About me

since 2010 — #bio-inspiration, #chief of staff, #complexity, #regenerative design

About me

I am a regenerative Chief of Staff, but what does that mean? 

As much as possible, I work to take care of myself, the collectives, and the rest of living things. This is my current life mission: I participate in the regeneration of humans, collectives, and territories. 
It's complex to develop initiatives with a regenerative impact, it is why we need to be able to understand this complexity so as not to run away from it anymore. What are the approaches that I propose to support initiatives leaders?

🔺 External Chief of Staff

I support CEOs, COOs and leaders to organize, develop and adapt their businesses to be ready to respond to emerging challenges.

⚛️ Develop Designs

the design approach is rich in tools and methods adapted to act in instability.

  • Design researchstudy and understand the real needs
  • Dialectic - help ask the right questions
  • Systemic & complex Design - map and work on complex systems
  • Design thinking - go from the problem to a prototype solution
  • Design Sprint - prototype and test in 5 days max
  • Design Fiction - draw inspiration from the future to co-construct the present
  • Community Design - Set up the system to activate a community

🎒 Structure and manage information and knowledge 

We need to put knowledge into the service of our projects. 

  • Second Brain - free your mind with digital
  • Digital Gardening - learn in public
  • Documentation process - capture knowledge
  • Project & Knowledge management apps - digital product consulting

🥎 Develop cooperative projects 

good project management is the heart of business development.

  • Co-construction - the best way to initiate a project taking into account many stakeholders
  • Async teamwork - free yourself from unnecessary meetings
  • Online facilitation - improve the animation of remote meetings
  • Digital best practices - digital at the service of people
  • How to Make Time - a lot of tips to free up your time

👉 Be inspired by living things - #bio-inspiration 

The pearls of wisdom of the living are the necessary rules for our human life if we want to live a joyful, sweet & pleasant life. 

🏝️ Co-create Archipel Kyosei & TheTandem

It is a collective of actors who all share the same mission as me but with different and complementary approaches, sensitivities, and skills such as the circular economy, fundamental research, digital development, psychology, philosophy, etc - to support business leaders who want to have an impact.

🎹 Practice creative activities 

  • Liut music 
  • Online and non-linear writing
  • Moving Yoga
  • My 👨‍👩‍👧

If you want to share my explorations and research, I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn or in my newsletter. To go further, I have a plan in progress to participate in the regeneration of our society which is part of a more global collective plan to discover here.